Jacob Zietek

About me

I'm currently living in Houston and working on embodied ai at Persona AI as one of the founding engineers.

I was previously at Armada, and have done internships with Amazon, Shield AI, PNNL, and BNL.

I graduated from Purdue CS in December 2023. A bulk of my undergraduate research was under Professor Ahmed Qureshi at CoRAL Lab.

I love taking risks and taking non-linear paths in life.


AI and robots will eventually replace humans in boring and dangerous tasks. This is something we should welcome with open arms, and help accelerate as much as possible.

I’m passionate about integrating AI into our daily lives. My main interests are in collaborative decision-making between autonomous systems and humans. I enjoy building systems the general population can interact with directly. Naturally, the main fields I’m most interested in are AI, robotics, and human-robot interaction.

My other technical interests are in space and defense. I have a gut feeling I'll end up working on space robots once space is commercialized more.

I love keeping up with the startup world & am interested in angel investing.

Non professional interests


I'm pretty easy to reach.
Email: webmail @ my last name dot dev
Twitter (main social media): @jacobzietek


I had to figure a lot of stuff out on my own & didn't have a ton of support. If you don't either, and I can help in any way, fill out this form or shoot me an email. I check everything regularly. Pass the torch on later o7