Jacob Zietek

Armada, CS @ Purdue


Probably working in...

New York, California, or Washington

About me

I’m an AI Engineer at Armada where I work on EdgeAI.

I have done internships with Amazon, Shield AI, PNNL, and BNL during my undergrad @ Purdue.

A bulk of my undergraduate research was under Professor Ahmed Qureshi at CoRAL Lab.


My beliefs are that AI and robotics will eventually replace humans in boring and dangerous tasks. This is something we should welcome with open arms, and help accelerate as much as possible.

I’m passionate about integrating AI into our daily lives. My main interests are in collaborative decision-making between autonomous systems and humans. I enjoy building systems the general population can interact with directly. Naturally, the main fields I’m most interested in are AI, robotics, and human-robot interaction.

I’m constantly looking for opportunities to contribute to interesting projects, dm me :)


I come from a pretty unique background and I had to figure a lot of stuff out on my own. If you do too, and I can help in any way, fill out this form or shoot me an email. I check everything regularly.